
Cubes are alright. Well, that’s what I thought so. But slice one up in 27 pieces and they make the most delightful thing ever.

I have these weird monthly fetishes. So there will be weekends I go through a bookworm phase, maybe sometime I will watch all Tom Hanks movies or sometime, buy a Rubik’s cube.


A Mirror Cube


It started with this new ‘Mirror Cube’ which my sister got and scrambled up. And I have this OCD where I really can’t stand something out of the way, and that mirror cube looks pretty, yes, but very very out of the way. So I googled a little and found this nice and easy video which showed me how to solve a mirror cube and I got to work. The first time was a bitch. It literally killed me trying to locate the pieces of equal height and what not. It was bad. Like at one point I am following the video, and the next you don’t know what happened and the pieces are all over the place. After a few not so successful attempts, I worked it out.

And trust me, the feeling you get when you finish that thing is worth it, though only until you also come to the other realisation that any one, just any one can just memorise a few moves and solve the cube. So you are not really smart until you achieve a solving time of about 5 seconds (yep, that’s the world record!).

So this led to running to at least five shops in town asking for a Rubik’s cube to realise that the internet was my best and only option. The cube that came to my doorstep and then began the practice sessions, a little by little every day. As of today I have solved the cube at least a hundred times with my best time being a little under two minutes. I am still practicing and will keep on doing so to get as close as possible to five seconds! Wish me luck!

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