Why It Began

Design students live in a world of their own. Our studies and (eventually) our jobs require for us to understand the entire array of human emotion but don’t think for one second that we conform to normal human behavioral patterns.

The role of a design institution goes beyond giving students an education – it changes who you are. Every student, almost certainly, goes through a phase when their work seems to bury them alive.  You do eventually get used to it – it isn’t as daunting once you get the hang of handling things. But now and then you’ll look at your clock read 4.00am and doubt, despair and dejection will most certainly resurface.

That’s why the idea of Nocturnal Narratives came to exist. People don’t normally picture fashion students as hard workers who slog to survive each passing day. And the most common question that I’ve answered since I got to NIFT is “What do they teach you?”. Nobody knows what we do! So we decided to put our experiences on the pedestal that is the internet and display it for the world to see.

And as for why we call our blog ‘Nocturnal Narratives’ – firstly because as NIFTians, we aren’t left with much of choice when it comes to our sleeping patterns; learning to be nocturnal is a survival skill. Another skill that develops with time is the art of having some semblance of a work-life balance. What happens in the ‘life’ part of that balance will make its way to this blog as a narrative. So Nocturnal Narratives it is.

Now that you (hopefully) have a newfound respect for fashion students, take a peek into the nitty-gritty of a day in the life of a NIFTian by reading our blog!